Cercle Europe et
Technologies du Futur

The Cercle Europe et Technologies du Futur brings together companies, entrepreneurs, investors, researchers and associations, who wish to share their views on the future of new technologies and their applications in Europe. A place for debate and reflection, this “cercle” connects digital actors with the European ecosystem.

The Cercle Europe et Technologies du Futur addresses European issues related to new technologies, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), data, cybersecurity, and the Internet of Things (IoT), with the ambition of decompartmentalising the reflections. The subjects addressed are as broad as the opportunities offered by the technologies of the future.

Members meet once a month in Paris with a European decision-maker for informal exchanges to build networks of contacts.

The Cercle offers its members weekly alerts on European issues covering the different sectors concerned.

The Cercle was created by Natacha Clarac, its president.

Cercle Europe et Technologies du Futur
An independent think tank bringing together players in the technologies of the future field and European decision-makers to exchange views on the regulatory, industrial and ethical environment to be designed for tomorrow.

News & events of the cercle

La décennie numérique au service de la souveraineté européenne


La décennie numérique au service de la souveraineté européenne

Souveraineté numérique européenne :  Cérer les conditions pour un espace numérique éthique, basé sur des valeurs communes, des talents, des acteurs et des infrastructures pour innover

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Visions et limites de l'autonomie stratégique de l'UE - ambitions numériques


Visions et limites de l'autonomie stratégique de l'UE - ambitions numériques

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Souveraineté et résilience européenne, au coeur des dossiers numériques


Souveraineté et résilience européenne, au coeur des dossiers numériques

FIDA numérique

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La tranformation numérique : un enjeu géopolitique pour l'UE


La tranformation numérique : un enjeu géopolitique pour l'UE

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DMA enforcement : the fight starts !


DMA enforcement : the fight starts !

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Matching the digital competencies' gap : a critical approach


Matching the digital competencies' gap : a critical approach

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What are the digital priorities of the EPP Group in the European Parliament?


What are the digital priorities of the EPP Group in the European Parliament?

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How are political positions built within the group Renew ?


How are political positions built within the group Renew ?

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All the news & events of the cercle


Contact us for more information

Natacha Clarac
Natacha Clarac
+32 2 280 39 94
Justine Vial
Justine Vial
Secretary General
+32 2 280 28 01